Teak Sawn Timbers

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Teak Sawn Timbers

We are the prominent Teak Wood Wholesalers and Teak Wood Exporters in Chennai. The typical uses for teak sawn timbers are in boat building and shipbuilding, and for decking and outdoor furnishings. Teak sawn timbers is very sought after for things such as boats, ships, outdoor furniture, counter tops, even flooring. Teak sawn timbers is a tight, closed-grained hardwood. Teak sawn timbers are characterised by their dense, long lasting, beautifully grained wood. High-grade, responsibly-sourced teak comes in a variety of grades, types, sizes, and lengths, making it ideal for industrial applications, building, roofing, and other home uses. The Teak sawn timbers available to you is from top-grade hardwoods using secure, environmentally sound technologies. By controlling our supply chain from the forest to the mill, we are able to continually deliver our customers the finest quality logs, timbers, and teak decking. Once logged, Teak sawn timbers holds its form exceptionally well, and this stability is what makes it such a desirable timber for yacht builders, as well as for other builders whose materials need to function in rigors of weather and under strict tolerances. 


The teaks highly oiled timber, tight, tight-grained, high-tensile strength helps teak to be extraordinarily resistant to the elements. The high oils and natural silica content in Teak makes it one of the strongest species available for outdoors and in high humidity applications. Although porous, teak is naturally rich in protective oils that make it resistant to dampness, decay, warping, and splits. Widely considered to be the King of Woods, Teak makes great outdoor furniture because of its waterproofing, durability, and beauty. Considered one of the strongest of the lumbers, teak is extremely strong and resists weather extremes, rot, and warping, making it a great choice for outdoor furniture which will last you decades, even when left untreated.